Boozedtube is operated and developed by mbhitech solutions.
At Boozedtube we offer you various fantasy games and casual games to stay entertained and earn at the same time. You have the liberty to choose your players, your team and choose your desired pot!! Unbelievable? But it’s true. We also offer various games such as SLL, Ludo, Rummy, Sheep fight, Carrom, and many more for you to play.
Cricket and Life are alike, every ball equals every minute, every shot equals an opportunity, and every wicket is an obstacle. We give you an opportunity to use your sports knowledge and skill and convert your love for the game into cool cash awards. It’s that simple.
With our customer-centric approach, we ensure the highest possible gain for our customers in the most easy, reliable, and secure way. With established Standard Operating Procedures and processes, Boozedtube’s Fantasy sports aspires to be one of the best management games for cricket.
Our Mission
We have always been and will continue to be an equal opportunity employer. Bringing together countless creators with diverse skillsets, personalities and, of course, opinions. Giving them all the support they need to excel in their art and wow the world.